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The Evil Empire - 101 Ways that England Ruined the World - heading Ornamental line

Another Stupid Book By Another Stupid American



Steven Grasse has just released a new book, entitled "The Evil Empire: 101 Ways Britan Ruined The World"

Apparently the brittish are responsible for all kinds of evil things, like terrorism, slavery, global warming, drug smuggling, and some pointless things like 'Knighting Sir Elton John' apparently by the time the author reached the mid 90's, he couldnt think of any serious ones. Idiot.

Now, here at A Blog That Doesnt Suck, we're not going to just call this man an idiot without backing up a claims, Thats not how we do things. So I did a bit of research.

so, lets look at what Britan is Apparently responsible for:

Slavery first originated in Ancient Egypt 3150BC. A good 4000+ years before The British Empire was formed, which ceased its slave trading in 1804. 63 years before the United States did.
The Verdict: Brittan didn't invent slaverly, and did it for the least amount of time. Not To Blame

The modern English term "terrorism" dates back to 1795 when it was used to describe the actions of the Jacobin Club in their rule of post-Revolutionary France, the so-called "Reign of Terror". More recently, America was the first army to invade Iraq and Afghanistan, provoking a reaction from the Middle east
The Verdict: Invented by France, blame France

Global Warming
Current Percent of Carbon Emissons from UK: 2.4%
Current Percent of Carbon Emissions from US: 25.2
The Verdict: More Emissions = More Blame

Hanging People
United Kingdom abolished the death pentalty long ago, the last noted execution in Brittan was in 1963
The US, on the otherhand, still uses capital punishment on a regular basis.
So, Britan loves hanging people eh? If that's the case, explain why they havent done it in over 40 years.

Taking the Soul out of Rock and Roll
UK brought Rock acts like Oasis, The Beatles, Ozzy Osbourne, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Judas Priestm Sex Pistols, and more recently, Artic Monkeys, Kaiser Chiefs, etc.
What country has a more illustrious history of rock and roll acts, If anything, Brittan but the soul BACK in Rock and Roll, after the US butchered it with its bland pop-punk and emo bullshit.

Knighting Sir Elton John
Okay, maybe he's got us there.

So really, with the exception of the latter, Does brittan deserve any of the blame that this idiot puts on us? Hell know. I hope Steven Grasse chokes on his own hypocrisy before the book is published, at least then they're won't be any tours. Fucking Idiot.

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The Evil Empire Book Cover


ISBN: 1-59474-173-5


4-3/4 x 7-1/4

192 pages

Publisher: Quirk

Publication Date: April 2007

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