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Youtube Comments - England: Evil Empire BBC Radio Interview 4



bitchville (4 days ago)
101 ways Princess Diana should be raped instead of killed


flippydoha (5 days ago)
Hitler didn't give birth to the thoery of evoloution. :]

hmmcrunchy (2 days ago)
when exactly have we berrated an ex axis nation?!? cant recollect calling the germans or italians fascists... since they stopped being fascist. can you honestly compare british imperialism with moving 5.7 million people by train to a death camp and gassing them all - men women and children. if so i think you are slightly unbalanced! i take it your not "tarring and feathering my nation" in defense of the nazis?

TheShield04 (2 days ago)
denial...but that's ok, since British empire prospered and colonized successfully for centuries, they get the spoils. Germans after WWI brought our civilization HUGE leaps in technology in every category. Perhaps if they won WWII, and prospered, we would be using similar rationalizations which you use do defend Britain. And anytime an ex-axis nation does something you don't like, you tar and feather them with fascism accusations. Now, i will tar and feather your nation in defense.

hmmcrunchy (3 days ago)
i see you like comparing the british with hitler and the nazis. i and any other briton would take that as a huge insult. You compare us with a mass murderer such as him? i think your sense of scale is slightly awry sir.

TheShield04 (6 days ago)
hitler rationalized his beliefs as well..

The British Empire is brilliant!

Through colonialism comes diversity, trade and human infrastructure. Those African Nations were starving before Britain got there. Also, i believe the Spannish had already destroyed South America before Britain started its empire. It brought medicine, science and so much good to the world. Yes, it did some wrong. But i believe the ends justify the means. Without the British Empire, America would not exist! Nor my beloved Australia.

Britain started the Industrial Revolution...but who is using those machines more than any other country now? What were the English doing in Africa? What are the Americans doing in Iraq!?

I think this is funny though. This guy comes and thrashes the English about everything. And then he asks what has America done so evil, since they got away from Britain. The British guy, this Christipher Lee is STILL kissing his ass: You havenīt done anything wrong. Thank you America.
PATHETIC. Have some pride, balls and self esteem for god sake.
There is nothing but god that can save the queen now.

101 ways Americans absolve themselves from being a bunch of wankers


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The Evil Empire Book Cover


ISBN: 1-59474-173-5


4-3/4 x 7-1/4

192 pages

Publisher: Quirk

Publication Date: April 2007

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