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We're continually amazed at all of the letters that folks all around the world have sent us on behalf of our work with the International Coalition for British Reparations and in response to "The Evil Empire: 101 Ways That England Ruined The World." But this one gets the award for being the longest!

Take a look at this masterpiece from our new pal Jingo:



Steven Grasse

Hi. Congratulations on your well-researched book, you're absolutely right, my great grandfather was born in 1866 Ladenham, William Beckett worked in Philadelphia as a joiner. He came back about 1893, married and took over the family business, threshing contractor. The following is an abstract of what appears to be going on in the world from the hundreds of books, websites available not Soreha Archive/ Silencing of Israel; prime minister. Brief Sharon/ Daughter of Adolph Hitler; James C,,, Saalm, Lee ; the best news I've heard since I explored forty years ago, the teaching of Paul Twibrhell, the self styled 971st living Ek master, 1965-71, is in chapter 12 of David Icke's "taler From the Time Loop", his ratest blockbuster is "Infinite Love is the only Fruit", see He says we're white consciousness. Not limited or fenite consciousness as we suppose; the key principle is anything which is created or vibrates is a hologram or illusion; infinite consciousness or love is the only truth or reality, everything else is illusion. The infinite doesn't vibrate its not created, it just is, its stillness, the harmony or oneness of all; we have separate bodies but not separate consciousness since there is only one consciousness, infinite consciousness which is indivisible. We have a choice, we can either stay in the body and be limited by it or get out of the body and have access to infinite awareness, late Harvard psychiatry professor Dr. John Mack said Gust holotropic breathe work therapy effectively blow the mind, it enabled him to get out of the body, visit the various planes of the universe and review past lives, see Somewhere above the line we created a vibration which limits us because we think it's real, making us forget we're infinite consciousness; this vibration is this universe of planes, our entity which has taken on a life of its own, with an instinct for survival, to do that it needs energy so it manipulates us into a state of fear restraining itself on the fear energy we innovate, which is why the world is as it is. See,,; the good new is that since we're so bogged down in this universe of planes because we think it's real cohere actually it's a hologram, on illusion that limits us, the infinite has dreaded enough is enough. It needs dismantle ling so we can once more realize we're infinite consciousness and no longer be manipulated by it. This process is already underway, like explain it beautifully in Chapter 12, supporting it with scientific research in subsequent chapters, see above "Conversations with God" see Michael Joseph's "Love from Diana",,,,, or postings

Back to the hologram, I think it's a great scheme that just reading of enjoying genuine democracy the many allow themselves to be controlled by the few, and small cabal or rabble led by the thirteenth tribe or Qakeuayi House of Rothscheld. Raentified as the committee of 300 judaeo mongol by researchers such as count Cherep Spiridovich, a general in the white army who wrote " The Secret World Government: in the 1920s. If you want to know why thers so much trouble in the world read this book, see,,, namely the age of story of the occult judaeo world government trying to annihilate subjugate the devastation white Aryan race, see John 8.44, or oblivion, also Dr. John Colemay who wrote "Committee of 300",,,; the committee operates a vast network of corporations/secret routers , making sure only their people fill the top jobs world wide and confuses the rainy through the simple device of divide and ruld, in any conflict both rider are controlled by the same people, I wouldn't mind but they can hardly be described as altruistic, they're destroying the biosphere, they initiate was completely unnecessary, see, they control world trade making us work for them and pay taxes and they suppress inventions to avoid the effects of another industrial revolution. There's been no need to bum fossil fuel for the past century since the discovery of implosion. The way nature provides energy by researchers such as Nikda, Tesla, Victor Khauberger, Henery Movay, Nathan Stubblefierd, Wilhelm Reich, see,,; electric power can be provided by extracting free energy from the sea of sound waves which is the universe, using any dipole, in the same way or magnet does to generate a majestic field, see, as Ronald Reagan said Judaeo/nagi controlled government doesn't solve problems, it is the problem, thank goodness a new messiah has chosen to challenge illegal government statute controversy our Constitutional Rights, namely Malcolm McClure, already successful in Aussie courts through recourse to Common Law, see,; parliament should assert its sovereignty and dissolve government. It's the biggest organization in the country, employing millions, we don't need it. It just abuses the powers given it, its just the tool of the judaeo/nagi mongol banking families. Principally the asking House of Rotherchild, see we should refuse to pay tax if 5% did, the system would collapse like a house of cards about times two. We should nationalize the banks as Milteevand did in France and ban usury, distinctly or Islam forbid it. It's obvious who owns the high street banks; we should refuse to work for government or big corporations. Work for ourselves or in partnerships/ cooperatives, instead their power would be destroyed overnight; it's unfortunate we live in a military society where everybody's expected to do as they're told allowing the few to control the many for the benefit of the few. Law being a tool to protect the few from the many this goes against the grain since we all have free will, giving use to schizophrenia etc. It's interesting we come here to gain experience through comparison with everything around us so that we might know ourselves better and deliberately forget where we come from or what we are so we might aspire to our proudest concept of ourselves. It's then up to us to remember the earliest way being to get out of the body, see

In retrospect the committee regret allowing the industrial revolution to proceed not anticipating the oil industry would precipitate a population explosion which is all very well but means resources are consumed at a alarming rate. So the number one policy for the part century is depopulation which explain a lot: world was, useless NHS, contaminated water supply/ proceised food/ loud/ sea/ air, genetically mooted virus/ parasite plagues the aim being to return to a low population feudal rural society as in the early 18', see, which will probably happen in our lifetime under a judaeo/ nazi controlled communist/ socialist world government which is already in place, see editorial and as the judaeo/ nazi controlled UN is advocating, see, sovcha archive/ Runia begins call for a word a word government, this is why the factories have disappeared and a huge swathe round the Wash from lincoon down to Cambridge is being bestoved through the RSPB to fen.

Socialism is the askenasi House of Rothschild's war on monarchy/ Christianity, retribution for the centuries of persecution of Jews, they've orchestrated, funded every conflict since 1770 through their control of global money markets and invention of corporations/ credit, the biigest scam ever, see, expose/ money/ cook newsletter 14 may 06 the low, emagapine/ va 14/ research/ bank-secrets; history shows their persecutors are their own brethren : due to disagreement over domain's successor the twelve tribes of the house of Jacob/ Israel slit in two, ten tribes formed the house of Ephraim/ Israel in north Palestine/ conaan, samoria, the samoritous, while the tribes of Jadah, Benjamin oud some of levi formed the House of Jadah in the south Palestine/ canaan, Judaea, capital Jerusalem, the judaeous/ Jews, about 700 B.C. weakened, the house of Israel fell and was displaced to Aisyria, then the house of Judah fell and was displaced to Babylon, after 70 years some of the house of Judah were allowed to return to Jerusalem and subsequentbly jesus/ jeshua, a galdean who spoke avamaic/ Babylonian was born in Judaea, according to a letter from Pontius pilate to Tiberius Caesar he was bloude/ benevolent, a typical veuuian, see venus; when Babylon invaded arsyia the house of Israel fled north, over the centuries they gradually spread west across Europe, eventually reaching the fao isles/ british isles, a Hebrew word; the mdeiceral tribes of Europe including Greece/ rome are descendents of the prelefevated so profusely, as in asyria where they were known as the khumi after king cymou, welsh and Hebrew are similar; all this is prophesied in the bible, that the house of Israel would eventually found a great nation, the british empire and christeudom and that the house of Judah would be dispersed worldwide and lifted be their Christian brethen but would eventually return to Palestine/ canaan, as happen in the last century due to the askanagi house of Rothschild, following which will be the catalysm and the second coming, see, the bubble as a compilation from some 70 of hundreds of ancient texts, each loner then the bible.

Following the incredible rise of mayor Auischel Boye/ Rote Schilde/ Rothschild of Fronkfuot in the (18', the saviour of the jews/ qids, prior to that jews weren't allowed in the profession/ polite society, the house of Israel and the House of Judah have now recombined to form the original twelve tribes of the House of Israel, represented by the committee of 300, headed by the british monarchy, the house of Mountbalten windsov being the latest incarnation of the House of Israel; the royal families of Europe are descendents of the royal families of the House of Israel, which maybe why bloodline is so important to these people, they can trace their ancestry tback to Jacob and beyond; sir Laurence gardner, qeueabant of the European council of princes, had written several books on the including the lineage of jesus, his ancestor/ desendents down to the present day, see; it's curious the House of Israel has always regarded itself as the cuisen people, this would suggest a connection with the star people, make they're a hybrid race, as indicated in the bible, which would certainly give them an advantage and explain the star people/ ship cover up and reports of people who shapeshift to beptoid form; reports on American allegedly killed his wife for being reptoid, he said there are only some 300 real humans in his town, about a million worldwide, it seems generally accepted were not an original species but genetically engineered/ modified from other species, probably Neanderthal may, presumably by star people, however in "The Roawed message" channeled communication in 1947 roawed crash star people, rene coudous says they maintain nature evolved us from ape to human, it's interesting we have brain cells in the heart and gut, see sorcha/ true knowledge of the three minds as well as the head in which there are three brains, one on top the other, the lowest/ earliest is concerne with survival, the middle limbric/ mammation, with feeling/ emothion and the top/ latest, the neocatex, with abstract/ imagination the trained piltician appeals to all three to successfully persuade us, see Cheney V Kerry TV election debate, see headlines 19 dec 04; channeller Dave boyle says we're a genetic copy b/w a ape and a lion which is why we have canine teeth, about millions od stae ships are circling the earth/ moon, unarmed, the US tries to destroy, them with the HAARP ionospheric soundwave facility in Alaska, see,, archives/ UFO/ faq_UFO, however veteran researcher William R byne is convinced all star craft are the military and star people a fabrication to cover up exotic tesla technology, see; the bible is deplete with the star people/ craft phenomeon, the ancients who lived hundreds of years, like Methusalah, is this the origin of Auah, were star people, modern day star people live hundreds of years; the star which quided the Magi to Bethlehem was a star craft; the virgin Mary was impregnated by a star man, one even appeared and told her so, today this practice is widerspread, 1 in 10 in the US is being abducted, some remember, it's a breeding program to creat a new type of human being, see john bear,,, the,, Jim Spalks' "the Keeper," see, Dave Booth's "Hitler Lives, the indigo children of the new master race" , see soicha archive/ Eno time catastrophic secret revealed, paolaharrus, it/ Jason, ann Andrews of the wash's "abducted," "Jason my indigo child," see,, program 54, headlines 17 june 06,, Jason says he's been abducted repeatedly since birth and now and works with the Star people, he can get out of his body at will and visit the various planes of the universe. He can remember all his past lives going back billions of years and teach people to heal themselves. Life on Earth has been destroyed hundreds of times. There is no time, only movement; why is this all necessary? According to, the message board states that a reptoid species has infiltrated the white race to such an extent they would control us. Sounds like the sionists, they're androgynous sodomites, which is why 90% of sods are white. A struggle seems to be going on over the future of mankind between this reptoid species and others who envy our more substantial bodies.

The technical proquen of the past century including the atom bomb is due to the Star people influence, as confirmed by Mikola Tesla who was Einstein's son till he resigned from the ill fated Philadelphia experiment of 1943 (See and probably the most significant researcher of the 19'-20' with due respect to Faraday, clerk Maxwell, ET Whiltaker. Photos exist of star craft on US bases, warships. Their Star crew alongside US military personnel (see According to testimony gathered by Dr. Steven Gleev's disclosure project from thousands of military intelligence, defense contractor personnel witness to the presence and collaboration with Star people. The magic LZ group has sound wave weapons so devastating they make atomic biological weapons obsolete and craft, which can crack the solar system billions of miles in hours, some speed (see Gleev's "hidden truth, forbidden knowledge" at,, Dr. Steven Greer,,,, Colonel Daniel Salters "Life with a Cosmos clearance" see In it some of the Moula black triangle craft are built, they have a jet engine to take them to the upper atmosphere and a sound wave engine to get them up to warp speed for space travel, some say the stealth FLLY/B2 operate the same way. When asked about all this, Dubya's only comment was "You don't know the half of it". How true, in 1999 a stent war was fought in space using sound wave weapons, they were also used in Iraq and Lebanon. Blair probably welcomed the Dutch and French EU "non" vote because the judged Nazi UK/US Israel axis controlled by the askeugi House of Rothschild is disappointed. The EU countries aren't supporting their bid for supremacy in Asia. President Pukin's state visit to Buckingham Palace, June 2003, the first by a Russian head of state since the 1870's and the White House in September was probably acknowledgment Russia has more sophisticated sound wave weapons than the West. They've been using them to alter American weather since the 1970's, see and and inducement to join the committee of 300; he certainly went away with a vast array of favorable trade agreements.

There are upteen types of star people/craft. See, Says millions…its strange nobody seems to know where they come from, how long heyve been here or why. Paul Twitchell said they mainly come from the astral plane and play tricks on us. In "Co Evolution", see, Alec Newald says he was abducted from New Zealand for ten days in 1989 and taken to their home planet in another plane/dimension where he could've stayed if he wanted. They were a mine of info but wouldn't answer all his questions or let him explore the craft, which resembled a pyramid. Makes you wonder what pyramids are, craft perhaps. See, Bizarre ritual US-Israeli military base, Star nations move to plan C, Chris Dunn says the Cheops pyramid was a power plant and weapon system till it was disabled by an internal explosion. Channeller Raquus Raustron of Keasley says it was brought here to seed life, see Alec says they were left here by star people to provide us with the technology for space and time dimension travel. This explains "prophecy", we do all this in the dream state, a dream being a memory of an experience the cows cows men has in some plane of the universe while the body is asleep and unconscious. In other words, the consciousness never sleeps. Actually, we're two entities in one, a human body that is an animal and a bodilers intelligent entity, which possesses it. Its interesting antiquities like the pyramids, Boalbek, Mayan, acropolises of Greece are constructed with an engineering precision beyond the capability of modern day tools. What's intriguing is the vast network of cities and catacombs beneath them worldwide apparently still inhabited in "blue blood, true blood". See also Stewart says the poles are holes. Entry points to the inner earth and underground repkilian society. I do wonder if Tolkiens "Lord of the Rings" middle earth is fact. I keep coming across confirmation that the earth is hollow; in fact a series of concentric spheres and shells since the earth is 81 times heavier than the moon but 50 times bigger. Presumably the moon is hollow too; see Dr. Raymond Bernard's "The Hollow Earth" see, Jan iampredht's Star people types include the reptoid, one species being the most malign; they mutilate animals like us humans too. Reminds me of sacrifice, se, Satanic forces of the world unleashed, the military keep an eye out on their underground bases from a safe distance. Salter says the military mutilate animals too for blood and plasma research, using star technology. Little grays with large heads and eyes are a humanoid type. Apparently controlled by other types like the delta, mantis, Nordic, Semite, fall white, geta. Jason says they also abduct but don't create hybrids as the military do. Then there the dark skinned Asiatic type, the most benign. They could be the guys down your local takeaway.

Mary Rodwell is a British nurse who emigrated with her family to Perth Australia in 1991. Since then, she's counseled some 900 experiences bemused by their encounter with the star people and craft phenomenon in the sleep/awake state. She helps them come to terms with their experience, accept it and realize there's nothing to be afraid of. See, in "Awakening", a self-help manual for experiencers, she says millions of people now experience the start people and craft phenomenon and she's come to the conclusions its an educational experience designed to help us remember what we are, and where we come from. Experiencers develop psychic abilities like out of the body travel and healing. She promoted her book at the 2002 Leeds star people and craft conference and was a sensation when she gave an unscheduled presentation on stage during the lunch break. She also showed a video of amazing complex paintings by experiencers. She and Greev were to have been the key speakers at the 2003 conference by it was cancelled when the organizer Graham Birdsall, 49, editor of UFO magazine, now replaced by UFO Data Magazine,, had a brain hemorrhage 9/11 passing away 9/19. The conference has now been reviewed, see, Graham was to have accompanied Dr. Valery Uvarov, head of paleontology, national security academy of Petersburg on an expedition to investigate ancient installations of unknown origin in Siberia which periodically activate and are radioactive. They reduced beams from the installations disintegrated the 1908 Tungusta meteor before it hit the ground, it still managed to char and flatten some 2000sq. km of forest. Apparently they're controlled from a planet we never see, on the far side of the sun, see At the 2004 Nexus conference Valery announced that Nexus editor Duncan Roads will be accompanying him, also he was selling wands of horns, as seen carried by pharaohs in the friezes. Duncan said the internet WWW is likely to be curtailed, too much info undermining Judea/Nazi controlled government propaganda is coming into the public domain in 2005 the Judea/Nazi controlled UN met in Tunis to decide how to control cyberspace. In other words censor websites. Its interesting the computer network on which trade now depends is controlled by the secretive MajicIZ group, not the committee of 300, see,, Time magazine's person of the year is "400", the millions of bloggers who now reputedly control the information age.

In 2003 I was fortunate to hear dalekman, channeller Dace Boyle at the lapis conference in Blackpool, which the Kabbalah folk regard as the New Jerusalem. There's certainly a lot going on on the Fylde. The new group meets twice a week, at Fulwood and St. Anne, see,, The next day I spent all afternoon at Dave and his medium wife Wanda's exhibition of the Universe on the Golden rule and only managed to absorb a reaction of it. He's assembled some 120 large boards of info from hundreds of sources, displays, and models all of which he made himself. He's the only guy I've met who's got all the answers and is prepared to give talks anywhere, see Apparently the most significant place on the planet is Aubury , the centerpiece of a cast megalithic site. One day he got a call booking a conducted tour and a load of suits turned up, when he got to the board about secret societies he if anyone was a mason. They all put their hands up. It turned out none of them were below the rank of superintendent, behind Dave's premises is a large car park and a solitary vast grey concrete type building bristling with details. The divisional police HQ, by coincidence the day Bush and Blair were in the Cheops pyramid performing their Masonic rituals; Dave spent the night on top of the pyramid and managed to neutralize their effect on the eleylines. A relative of mine was a navy lieutenant, D-Day ending up superintendent of the power stations along the Trent. Possibly because he was a mason, he was so keen he opened a lodge in Northampton. He suggested we join, saying it was just a charitable organization with a great social life, however the whole point of Judea and Nazi controlled secret societies like the masons/knights templar at Liucoon cathedral is the rituals which are designed whether the members realize it or not. To allow initiates to gradually become possessed and mind controlled, you can be leaders like Bush and Blair aren't controlled by human intelligence even though they look human. Duncan Roads tells a danic tale, this intelligence officer attended a gathering of the great/good at a country mansion. At 10pm they were abruptly asked to leave, puzzled he hid in the shrubbery, when it was quiet ten men filed out in the courtyard and surrounded a statue. He recognized them all as captains of industry. What happened next so unnerved him he felt. The statue came to life! The house of Rothenchild keep an empty place at their family table should the Persian entity manifest, see The general public is kept ignorant of the workings of the occult and subconscious. The means, by which the few control the many, see kabbalistic black magic. Thule German mystic order, skull and bones society, see Silencing of Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon,, The problem with our culture deliberately is we separate the supernatural world from the natural world even deny it exists. Indigenous, native, pagan cultures don't to them. Its all the same, they experience both. It empowers them. Jesus probably wanted to liberate and empower people. Christianity doesn't want to, they want to control people, all religious type organizations practice rituals, simply to access the power of the supernatural world, see, Its interesting sir Laurence Gardner is grandsons of General Gardner who wrote "witch craft today: in 1954. Dace spent a lot of time videoing the amazing hi-tech friege adorning the temple of Abydos. Mostly obliterated elsewhere and listening to the guides, one guys been studying the area cascades/ Apparently the Nile floods once a year leaving a slit mark. He's counted some 50,000 exposed on Rockwall along. They estimate the temple was built about 90,000BC, which is before the Ala-Tau civilization, during the Lemur Ian civilization.

At the 2003 Nexus conference, "Forbidden archaeology" author Mick Cremo said the earliest human remains found, as opposed to hominid, have been chlorine coated at Cardiff as two billion years old, the age of mankind according to the Indian Vedas. Artifacts found in pyrophyllite rock in South African silver mine have been coated geologically and by radioisotope as three billion years old, see Before there was man as we know giants roamed the earth. These and other ancient species aren't extinct. They've gone underground. The easiest way to survive cataclysm, global hooding ice age, see the The earths crust is hundreds of miles thick a honeycomb of caves and tunnels, all manure of creatures live down there, what we know from the Judea and Nazi controlled media is only the tip of the iceberg of what is going on in the world. Society is like an iceberg; only the tip and few know what's going on, knowledge is power. The only way the few can control the many is to keep them ignorant. Its encouraging more people now surf the unregulated Internet than watch TV. When enough people realize what's going on they'll simply stop doing what they're told. The dawning of the age of audacious. In 2003 it was revealed that fifteen-foot giants live underground ad in jungle of melonistic archipelago like the Solomon Isles. The land where time stands still. The locals say they've always been there, unfortunately the US is manning troops there. They should leave them alone, see, Giants have also appeared in Palestine.

According to channeller Robert Shapiro, see, the andromeadous say this physical plane of the universe is a thousand times older than the 13 billion years we estimate, up to 65 million years ago the earth was part of the Sirius star system. Presumably the transfer to the solar system cooled the earth, dooming the dinosaurs. Apparently the solar system is to become part of the Sirius system, see Understanding what's coming, also there was a firmament belt of water vapor round the earth. Like Venus now, protecting it from harsh radiation and maintaining a constant temperature resulting in lush vegetation everywhere. The perpetual spring of the kirta yuga described in the Vedas, however reptoids ruptured it causing the deluge oceans. Apparently its going to be restored, a Radio-four series speculated where all the water came from.

Six million years ago when Earth people had only recently come down from the tree tops where it was relatively safe from predators, the EK waster Gakko and his followers arrived here by craft from Venus which presumable wasn't in this physical plane of the universe then a trip taking just seconds, see Although the sophisticated visitors found the primitive earth people repulsive, Aakko insisted they integrate. They taught them farming and eventually intermarried. The earth people made a lot of progress materially. Now we have the opportunity of making even greater progress into cosmic consciousness and awareness of all the planes of the universe in the awake state.

Our present civilization has developed over the past 7000 years, before that was the atloutean civilization, which lasted 35,000 years. If we ever explore the planets we'll find the remains of Atlanteau colonies. They were so advanced they could harness the EK to provide limitless pollution free energy in the form of sound waves. The EK is a wave of sound and light, which flows back to the sugmad plane. It creates the six higher planes and four lower planes of the universe. Jason says there's millions, then flows back to the sugmad plane. The lower planes are the mental casual, astral ad this physical plane by doing the spiritual exercises we can develop a defadied attitude and become aware the lower planes are a hologram, an illusion that limits us. Then access the higher planes where we realize we're infinite consciousness. The atlanteau civilization declined 13,000 years ago when caladium caused the continent of Atlantis to sink beneath the Atlantic. Apparently Ireland and Scotland were part of Atlantis. The Coescendant of the atlauteaus and troglodytes include the red Indians who'd reverted to the primitive state by the time the white man reached America. The pyramids around the world are copies of those on Atlantis. Dennis Wheatley wrote an excellent book, "They found Atlantis". Before the Atlanteau civilization was the lemur Ian civilization that lasted 100,000 years so presumably it was even more advanced, it declined when caladium caused the continent of lemur to sink beneath the Pacific. The descendants of the lemuroids include the south sea islanders. 60,000 years ago the living EK maser was Asoki in the Vigher Empire of central Asia. Part of the worldwide lemur Ian civilization on which the sun never set, its cities can be found beneath the Gobi desert. Asoki now lives and works near Retz, the capitol of Venus, see, Before the lemur Ian civilization was the hyperborean civilization of Africa and before that the polar Ian civilization of the north, Eden. Our present civilization is the Aryan. More will follow including that of the yellow Mongol race of the orient and a race from Jupiter. Cataclysm will strike again this century and the next. Parts of the continents will be destroyed and sunk including the whole of the UK and the old continents of Atlantis and Lemuora will reappear. According to the present living EK master Harold Klem of Minneapolis a new twelve-year cycle started in 2001. By the end of it there will be political upheaval and climatic and geologic turmoil. Maybe due to the approach of the planet Nibrue into the solar system and the reversal of the Earths unaquetic poles, as has already happened on the sun we're in for a bumpy ride.


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The Evil Empire Book Cover


ISBN: 1-59474-173-5


4-3/4 x 7-1/4

192 pages

Publisher: Quirk

Publication Date: April 2007

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