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Letter To The ICBR: Re: Innaccuracies in your argument


From: David Monks
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 19:48:13 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Innaccuracies in your argument

To whom it may concern,

I have a number of problems with various sections of your argument for the need for British Reparations, but they boil down, essentially, to this point. You are citing incidents and situations and actions created by a Britain that is long gone, and is not reflected in current Britain. I believe you go back as far as the founding of the current British Isles, hundreds if not thousands of years ago? And many more situations since, each tens or hundreds of generations old and tens of leadership styles past. Asking for reparations for these actions would be like charging a man of the murders committed by his insane great-great-great-great Grandad. It is frankly rediculous!

Also, you mention some modern inventions, such as the machine gun. Admittedly, the British have been heavily involved in the growth of gun technology through the ages, but usually only through other inventions being applied to guns second hand. And the machine gun itself was created as part of an arms race, which many companies took part in. Furthermore, the British didnt come up with these inventions, a small number of individual british people did, and in modern cases it is usually the inventor that it forced to make reparations, not the country.

In all honesty, I believe that this argument, although well studied, is unrealistic and could only have come across from a basic case of heavy bias. You could probably trace the worlds problems back to any major MEDC if you put your mind to it, the data will be out there. I believe this claim is also the final destination of what is widely known as the 'blaim culture' spreading from America.

I know this wont make much difference on a global scale, I just wanted to register my disgust with you that something like this could come to fruition in the modern world.

Yours sincerely,

David Monks

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The Evil Empire Book Cover


ISBN: 1-59474-173-5


4-3/4 x 7-1/4

192 pages

Publisher: Quirk

Publication Date: April 2007

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