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The Evil Empire - 101 Ways that England Ruined the World - heading Ornamental line

YouTube Comments- England: Evil Empire



2k8FARNHILL2k8 ( Because in ww2 when we were telling you good ideas you didnt do what we told you to do and you took your own ideas and did what you wanted and you got yourself more casualties. suryavajra so what were these supposedly good ideas?? 2k8FARNHILL2k8 Well, watch war docu… Read More

YouTube Comments- England: Evil Empire- Fight Breaks Out Over England



mike360i WAIT... how is this a Fight over England when the only british there are scots ? 762SLR762 Hang on - the guy with the Union Flag on his face has got an American accent, he says "I was brought up to be Jersey Irish", it was clearly filmed in the US. What the fuck h… Read More

YouTube Comments- England: Evil Empire- You Can't Escape It



mhall696969 so, you illegally flyposting across a tiny area of London has sold how many? 30 videos on You Tube has sold how many ? Accept it - no one is interested in your racist rubbish. I hope the London Councils bill you for your illegal acts and prosecute you for them. I am sure you wi… Read More

YouTube Comments- England: Evil Empire- Even More Letters From Angry Brits



robfishpie2 To be fair. It's entertaining. Although, we're not laughing with them. We're laughing AT them. Staranc Since its release, its amazing how much the World and even the people of Britain are becoming more anti-British. When you look at how much British taxpayers more leave… Read More

YouTube Comments- England: Evil Empire- Everybody's Getting Paid!



samluke812 NOT bloody likley I aint giving to quid to those yankees this shoit will NEVER HAPPEN lmao steven is a dumb arse! apincle Oh dear oh dear oh dear. If Britain was to pay reparations to one of it's former colonies, surely we would be obliged to repay ALL the former colonies -… Read More

YouTube Comments- England: Evil Empire- Letters From Angry Brits



sherrinasherrina You need to find us on the map first lol Maybe Ms South Carolina can point it out to you. SpreadingAwareness Wow....American came from the British... didn't they think that far back before making this? chris25fr what do you have than big europeans countries do… Read More

YouTube Comments- England: Evil Empire- ICBR Influences Livingstone Jackson



Spacepope3k Thats part of the sales strategy, you by it cos you agree with it, or you buy it cos you think it's a crock of horse shit and want to laugh at it. just ignore it, it is just a said little man trying to make money by trolling. StapledNote facts? you know nothing, you americ… Read More

YouTube Comments- England: Evil Empire- A True Patriot



brucelee12 ROFL, This guy is full of bullshit you can read him. He has had a bad childhood as he explains, that can have severe effects on his world prospective. Winston Churchill wasn't even in power in 1920.. this guy is a bloody moron with nothing better to do. EnglishMonarchist Is… Read More

YouTube Comments- England: Evil Empire- Seeds of Hatred



SimplyTheVest2 wooo lol, your so hard, northern knnobhead lol come down to Cardiff and I will stamp on your head otherwise stfu and grow up SimplyTheVest2 and you aint white maybe white northern trash like all the other garbage up there by you hahaha Haza119 Firstly, this is the … Read More

YouTube Comments- England: Evil Empire- BBC Radio Interview 4



radiodarkhorse I'm English and I have nothing against Americans because of this media hungry idiot. The fact he uses cartoon stereotypes of english people discredits himself. Why does he use a Union Jack when he should use an English flag? chufuss Most Americans don't know the differen… Read More

YouTube Comments- England: Evil Empire- BBC interview



apincle 58 trillion? why not settle for 60 trillion, a rounder figure. Doesn't matter cos you ain't getting a penny. Rule Britannia! Hamdaman101 Oh please. Ever notice how it's rarely people from former British colonies complaining? Just the few American people and their followe… Read More

YouTube Comments- England: Evil Empire- ICBR takes root in the US



mhall696969 This is so funny. Its a good job us Brits don't want to charge you for actually making some of you civilised - sorry we failed in the US - but for all of you- there is "no charge", now just say "thank you" like good little people and get a life ! apincle … Read More

YouTube Comments- England: Evil Empire- BBC Radio Debate Part I



jzzr44 USA .. a nation of puffs just like this guy USA = Ugly sadist ass - holes Robin303 Sounds that this Steven Grasse is a rasist. apincle For about 150 years, between the mid-18th century to the early 20th, we exercised greater influence over the world than any nation in h… Read More

YouTube Comments- England: Evil Empire- Stolen Treasures



MuttleyIncarnate HAHAHAHA! when they were stolen, that time is now history. so historically they belong in the museum. to take them out would actually be screwing up our history. and i love being hated. people put so much energy in hating us and all we have to do is laugh and go 'ahh… Read More

YouTube Comments- England: Evil Empire- Get Paid!



Independence4Britain Joke or not, its bloody funny. apincle It's England's fault we have mexican illegals It's England's fault we whine so much It's even England's fault that it's England's fault! We hate the English so much that we're going to dam well adopt their culture! H… Read More

YouTube Comments- England: Evil Empire- Information Session



helgipunk Bah, that's how we like it. Broke, complaining and looking for ways to swindle you Brits and the Danes. Remember the cod war? Or was that stricken from the British history books? helgipunk Oh yes, the money. We spent it all on nonsense. Having money in large amounts mak… Read More

YouTube Comments- England: Evil Empire- BBC Radio 5 Live Interview



wrighth03 Ok this guy is a moron and if you agree with the things he is saying in his book then u are two. Britain has a glorious history and one we should all be proud of. The author is just jealous of the countless ways our country has changed the world for the better and insecure about … Read More

YouTube Comments- England: Evil Empire- Truth and Lies



YoBludclart PROUD TO BE BRITISH! Need to kick these fucking sweaty immigrants back to the shitter they came from!! IntegralistParty wtf did they just pay tramps to talk crap? blackniggerian1 The british are guilty of genocide, famine, mass murder , ecomomy tampering ,you could g… Read More

YouTube Comments- England: Evil Empire- Richard and Judy Interview



leejames24 what a pile of shit!! i hope to see that skinny michael stipe looking aids victim someday and i will crush his yanky doodle/french skull with my size 9 doc martins and wank on the American flag and all it represents. normy690 did a yank just say "typical British arrogan… Read More

YouTube Comments- England: Evil Empire-



nowherevic What about the Romans that oppressed the British. Hmmm damienhart this is just so funny foolishned It will never happen. False hope is a sin songratingaccount The British got rid of slavery a long time before the americans. and yes we benifited and theres noth… Read More

YouTube Comments- England: Evil Empire- The British Response



WolfytheWolf5667 "Evil Empire" Didn't we stop Saladin in 1200 obtaining Power... Didn't we nearly abolish his pathetic religion, as an excuse to be one, trying to copy Richard's? Britishreparations, YOU CAN'T BLAME ENGLAND ON ONE BLOODY MAN!! Cecil Rhodes may have been true/… Read More

Press Archive

The Evil Empire Book Cover


ISBN: 1-59474-173-5


4-3/4 x 7-1/4

192 pages

Publisher: Quirk

Publication Date: April 2007

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